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Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure
1.0 Introduction 1.1.
Purpose This policy and procedure outlines the management process undertaken by Computer Learning Centre (CLC Africa) for receiving and responding to complaints or appeals in a timely, fair and transparent manner.
1.2.Scope This policy applies to students, members of the public affected by the actions of Computer Learning Centre (CLC Africa), staff of Computer Learning Centre (CLC Africa) and any third parties acting on behalf of Computer Learning Centre (CLC Africa).
• Appeal - A request by a student or a customer to reconsider a result or decision regarding assessment.
• Complaint - Dissatisfaction expressed by a Complainant about a product or service provided requiring resolution.
1.4.Aim To ensure the receiving and responding to complaints and appeals meets the Standards set by Computer Learning Centre (CLC Africa).
2.0 Policy
Computer Learning Centre (CLC Africa) provides a system for the receiving and managing of complaints or appeals which are publicly accessible, easily understandable and embraces the principles of fairness and transparency throughout all stages of the process.
Where reasonably practicable, resolution of complaints and appeals will be resolved in the earliest possible time frame. Complaints and appeals will be recorded within 24 hours of receipt on the Computer Learning Centre (CLC Africa) issue Register.
All complaints and appeals will be acknowledged in writing within 2 days of receipt and outline the actions or investigations to be taken.
The complainant will have the opportunity to meet with our representative and present their case. A support person may accompany the complainant to this meeting. All complaints or appeals will be dealt with in a sensitive and fair manner. The decision regarding the outcome of any complaint or appeal will be communicated in writing within 10 working days of decision.
All complaints and appeals will, where practicable, be finalized within 60 days of receipt. Where a resolution is unable to be achieved a third party will be engaged to conciliate. Any cost of the engagement of the third party will be made available to the complainant at this stage.
In case the issue is related to examinations offered by PeopleCert, one of our accreditors, a candidate can get more information on PeopleCert own policies on the following link
3.0 Procedure
1. Computer Learning Centre (CLC Africa) staff will refer all complaints or appeals to the Operations Manager. A detailed account of the complaint should be in writing using the complaints and appeals form, or a record of the conversation will be recorded and noted on the issue register.
2. The Operations Manager will notify the CEO of the complaint/appeal.
3. The Operations Manager will send the complainant a written acknowledgement of the receipt of the complaint/ appeal within 2 days. This letter will outline the steps to be taken to resolve the matter and outline time frames.
4. An investigation of the matter will be undertaken by the Operations Manager. The complainant will have access to their records or assessments at this time if requested.
5. Once investigated the complainant will be contacted and a meeting arranged to discuss the matter whether in person or over time. All findings of the investigation will be made available to the complainant.
6. The Operations Manager will document all matters discussed at the meeting and all possible avenues will be considered to resolve the complaint or appeal. A decision will be provided to the complainant in writing by the Operations Manager or Chief Executive officer at the earliest possible opportunity (within 60 calendar days of receipt).
7. Where the complaint extends 30 calendar days, the complainant is to be provided with weekly updates to inform them of the progress of the complaint handling.
8. Where resolution of the complaint or appeal is not possible or the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome through the above steps the complainant will be offered an opportunity to have a third-party review and make a direction on the matter.
9. If the matter is unresolved after being reviewed by a third party or the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome then the complainant may be directed to contact the accrediting authority.
10. All steps taken and correspondence entered into will be recorded on the Computer Learning Centre (CLC Africa) issue Register
4.1 Complaints and Appeals Form
Section 1 - Person making complaint to complete Section 1
Nature of complaint:
Please email copy to the Operations Manager at
Section 2 - Staff member receiving this form to complete Section 2
Staff member:
Staff signature:
Forwarded to: Chief Executive Officer Operations Manager
Section 3- The Operations Manager will conduct the investigation ofthe complaint and attach a detailed report to this form. Chief Executive Officer will take action according to Computer Learning Centre (CLC Africa) Complaints and Appeals Policy.
Additional information
Section 4 Proposed resolution – Outline proposed resolution and attach lettersent to complainant.
Section 5 Acceptance of resolution �Yes �No Comments and next step
Signature: Date
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