Programming for Network Engineers (PRNE)
تم تصميم دورة Programming for Network Engineers (PRNE) v2.0 لتزويدك بالمهارات الأساسية في برمجة Python. من خلال مجموعة من المحاضرات والخبرة المعملية في بيئات الشبكة المحاكاة ، ستتعلم استخدام أساسيات Python لإنشاء نصوص برمجية مفيدة وعملية باستخدام Netmiko لاسترداد البيانات وتكوين أجهزة الشبكة. عند الانتهاء من هذه الدورة التدريبية ، يجب أن يكون لديك فهم أساسي لـ Python ، بما في ذلك المعرفة اللازمة لإنشاء ، وتطبيق ، واستكشاف أخطاء الب رامج النصية لأتمتة الشبكة البسيطة.
Introducing Cisco Cloud Consumer Security (SECICC)
The Introducing Cisco Cloud Consumer Security (SECICC) v1.0 course gives you a technical overview of basic concepts and components of the cloud, and the Cisco® solutions used to provide comprehensive security of your cloud-based environment. In this primarily lecture-based course, you’ll learn the basics from a cloud consumer perspective including securing cloud and Software as a Service (SaaS) application environments. This introductory course provides insights on using Cisco Stealthwatch™ Cloud, Cisco CloudLock, Cisco Umbrella™ and more to protect the user when using cloud-based applications.
Leveraging Cisco Intent-Based Networking DNA Assurance (DNAAS) v2.1
The Leveraging Cisco Intent-Based Networking DNA Assurance (DNAAS) v2.1 course provides you with the skills to monitor and troubleshoot a traditional brownfield network infrastructure using Cisco® Digital Network Architecture (Cisco DNA™) Assurance. The course focuses on highlighting issues rather than on monitoring data. The advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning features within Cisco DNA Assurance enable you to isolate the root cause of a problem and to take appropriate actions to quickly resolve issues. Cisco DNA Assurance can be used to perform the work of a Level 3 support engineer.
Implementing Cisco Collaboration Cloud and Edge Solutions (CLCEI)
This course provides you with knowledge about Cisco® Expressway Series solutions enabling business-to-business (B2B) calls, Cisco Mobile, remote access, authentication options, and additional Cisco Expressway Series features. Through a combination of lessons and hands-on labs, you will learn how to leverage collaborative technology to access secure, collaborative work supports including video, voice, content, and remote workloads. This course also prepares you for the 300-820 Implementing Cisco Collaboration Cloud and Edge Solutions (CLCEI) exam.
Implementing Secure Solutions with Virtual Private Networks (SVPN) v1.0
This course teaches you how to implement, configure, monitor, and support enterprise Virtual Private Network (VPN) solutions. Through a combination of lessons and hands-on experiences you will acquire the knowledge and skills to deploy and troubleshoot traditional Internet Protocol Security (IPsec), Dynamic Multipoint Virtual Private Network (DMVPN), FlexVPN, and remote access VPN to create secure and encrypted data, remote accessibility, and increased privacy.
Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies (SCOR)
This course helps you prepare for the Cisco® CCNP® Security and CCIE® Security certifications and for senior-level security roles. In this course, you will master the skills and technologies you need to implement core Cisco security solutions to provide advanced threat protection against cybersecurity attacks. You will learn security for networks, cloud and content, endpoint protection, secure network access, visibility, and enforcements. You will get extensive hands-on experience deploying Cisco Firepower® Next-Generation Firewall and Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Firewall; configuring access control policies, mail policies, and 802.1X Authentication; and more. You will get introductory practice on Cisco Stealthwatch® Enterprise and Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud threat detection features.
Designing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure
تساعدك الدورة التدريبية Designing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure (DCID) v7.0 على إتقان خيارات التصميم والنشر التي تركز على حلول وتقنيات مركز بيانات Cisco® عبر الشبكة والحوسبة والمحاكاة الافتراضية وشبكات منطقة التخزين والأتمتة والأمان. سوف تتعلم ممارسات التصميم لحل Cisco Unified Computing System ™ (Cisco UCS®) استنادًا إلى خوادم Cisco UCS B-Series و C-Series و Cisco UCS Manager و Cisco Unified Fabric. ستكتسب أيضًا خبرة في التصميم مع تقنيات إدارة الشبكة بما في ذلك Cisco UCS Manager و Cisco Data Center Network Manager (DCNM) ومدير Cisco UCS. يمكنك توقع محتوى نظري بالإضافة إلى دراسات حالة موجهة نحو التصميم في شكل أنشطة. تساعدك هذه الدورة التدريبية على التحضير للامتحان ، تصميم البنية التحتية لمركز بيانات Cisco (300-610 DCID) ، والذي يؤدي إلى مركز بيانات CCNP® الجديد وشهادة Cisco Certified Specialist - Data Center Design.
Implementing and Troubleshooting Networks Using Cisco ThousandEyes
تم تصميم دورة تنفيذ واستكشاف أخطاء الشبكات باستخدام Cisco ThousandEyes (ENTEIT) v1.0 لتعريفك على Cisco® ThousandEyes وتعريفك بها. من خلال مجموعة من المحاضرات والخبرة العملية ، ستتعلم كيفية تنفيذ وتكوين حل Cisco ThousandEyes. سوف تتعلم أيضًا تثبيت وتكوين وكلاء Cisco ThousandEyes بأنواع اختبار مختلفة. سيمكنك هذا الحل أيضًا من إجراء تحليل السبب الجذري عند استكشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحها.
IPv6 Fundamentals Design and Deployment (IP6FD)
في هذه الدورة ، سوف تكتسب المعرفة والمهارات اللازمة لتكوين ميزات برنامج Cisco IOS software IPv6. سوف تحصل على نظرة عامة على تقنيات وتصميم وتنفيذ IPv6. ستتعرف أيضًا على عمليات IPv6 والعنونة والتوجيه والخدمات والانتقال. من خلال مراجعة دراسات الحالة ، ستتعلم كيفية نشر IPv6 في شبكات الشركات ومقدمي الخدمات.
Implementing Cisco Enterprise SD-Branch (ENSDBI)
تم تصميم دورة تنفيذ Cisco Enterprise SD-Branch (ENSDBI) v1.0 لتعليمك فهم بنية Cisco® Software-Defined (SD) -Branch وحل المحاكاة الافتراضية لوظائف شبكة Cisco Enterprise (ENFV). من خلال سلسلة من المحاضرات والمختبرات الشخصية أو التعلم الإلكتروني ، ستتعرف على الأنظمة الأساسية للأجهزة المدعومة مع التركيز على المكونات والتثبيت وسير العمل المحدث لسلسلة Cisco Enterprise Network Compute System (ENCS) 5400. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، ستساعدك هذه الدورة التدريبية على بناء مهاراتك في حلول نشر وتنسيق وظائف الشبكة الافتراضية (VNF) على Cisco ENCS.
Cisco SD-WAN Operation and Deployment (SDWFND)
تقدم دورة Cisco SD-WAN Operation and Deployment (SDWFND) v1.0 نظرة عامة على حل Cisco® Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN) ومكونات SD-WAN. سوف تتعلم كيفية إنشاء وإدارة وتشغيل شبكة SD-WAN باستخدام منتجات Cisco SD-WAN. تغطي الدورة كيفية تكوين وتشغيل ومراقبة توجيه التراكب في شبكة SD-WAN. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، ستتعرف على سياسات التحكم والبيانات وكيفية نشر جودة الخدمة (QoS) في شبكة SD-WAN التراكب. تم إنشاء بيئة معمل الدورة التدريبية باستخدام موجهات Cisco vEdge Cloud وكود Cisco SD-WAN 20.3. حل Cisco SD-WAN عبارة عن بنية WAN متراكبة يتم تسليمها عبر السحابة تسهل التحول الرقمي والسحابة للمؤسسات. يقلل Cisco SD-WAN بشكل كبير من تكاليف WAN والوقت لنشر خدمات جديدة. باستخدام Cisco SD-WAN ، يمكنك إنشاء بنية أمان قوية ضرورية للشبكات الهجينة وتوفر إطارًا قويًا للسياسة.
Implementing Cisco MPLS(MPLS)
This course is designed to introduce you to MPLS concepts, installation, migration, operation, inspection, and troubleshooting. You'll start with an overview of MPLS and its operation, after which you'll concentrate on MPLS Virtual Private Network (VPN) deployment. The MPLS fundamentals covered in this class will provide the theory and hands-on knowledge to implement, integrate, and deploy an MPLS infrastructure. The MPLS VPN lecture and labs will cover the models, diversity, implementation, troubleshooting, and flexibility of MPLS VPNs.
Configuring BGP on Cisco Routers
توفر هذه الدورة التقنية للطلاب معرفة متعمقة بـ BGP ، وهو بروتوكول التوجيه الذي يعد أحد الأسس الأساسية للإنترنت وتقنيات العالم الجديد مثل تبديل تسمية البروتوكولات المتعددة (MPLS). يعد الطلاب لتصميم وتنفيذ شبكات BGP فعالة ومثالية وخالية من المتاعب.
Understanding Cisco SDA Fundamentals (SDAFND)
The Understanding Cisco SDA Fundamentals (SDAFND) v1.0 course introduces you to Cisco Software-Defined Access and teaches you, through a combination of lectures and labs, how to implement simple, single-site fabric networks.
You will learn the benefits of leveraging Software-Defined Access in the Cisco-powered Enterprise Campus network. SDAFND will introduce the solution, its architecture and components, and guide you through labs to design and deploy simple Cisco SD-Access networks.
Transforming to a Cisco Intent-Based Network IBNTRN
The Transforming to a Cisco Intent-Based Network (IBNTRN) v1.1 course teaches you how the functionality of Cisco® SD-Access fits into Cisco Digital Network Architecture (Cisco DNA™). Through a combination of lessons and hands-on learning, you will practice operating, managing, and integrating Cisco DNA Center, programmable network infrastructure, and Cisco SD-Access fundamentals. You will learn how Cisco delivers intent-based networking across the campus, branch, WAN, and extended enterprise and ensures that your network is operating as intended.
Understanding Cisco Collaboration Foundations (CLFNDU) v1.1
The Understanding Cisco Collaboration Foundations (CLFNDU) v1.1 course gives you the skills and knowledge needed to administer and support a simple, single-site Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Cisco Unified CM) solution with Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) gateway.
Understanding Cisco Cybersecurity Operations Fundamentals
The Understanding Cybersecurity Operations Fundamentals (CBROPS) course teaches an understanding of the network infrastructure devices, operations, and vulnerabilities of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) protocol suite. You will learn basic information about security concepts, common network application operations and attacks, the Windows and Linux operating systems, and the types of data used to investigate security incidents. After completing this course, you will have the basic knowledge required to perform the job role of an associate-level cybersecurity analyst in a threat-centric security operations center to strengthen network protocol, protect your devices and increase operational efficiency. This course prepares you for the Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate certification
Implementing Automation for Cisco Collaboration Solutions (CLAUI)
The Transforming to a Cisco Intent-Based Network (IBNTRN) v1.1 course teaches you how the functionality of Cisco® SD-Access fits into Cisco Digital Network Architecture (Cisco DNA™). Through a combination of lessons and hands-on learning, you will practice operating, managing, and integrating Cisco DNA Center, programmable network infrastructure, and Cisco SD-Access fundamentals. You will learn how Cisco delivers intent-based networking across the campus, branch, WAN, and extended enterprise and ensures that your network is operating as intended.
Implementing Cisco Advanced Call Control and Mobility Services (CLACCM) v1.0
This course covers advanced call control and mobility services. You will learn how to use Cisco® Unified Communications Manager features to consolidate your communications infrastructure into a scalable, portable, and secure collaboration solution. Through a combination of lessons and hands-on experiences, you will also learn about a wealth of other features such as Globalized Call Routing, Global Dial Plan Replication, Cisco Unified Mobility, Cisco Extension Mobility, Device Mobility, Session Initiation Protocol Uniform Resource Identifier (SIP/ URI) call routing, Call Admission Control, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express and Survivable Remote Site Telephony (SRST) gateway technologies, Cisco Unified Board Element Call deployments, signaling and media protocols, call coverage, and time of day routing.
Implementing Cisco Collaboration Applications (CLICA) v1.0
This course will help you:
Acquire the knowledge to implement and troubleshoot voice mail and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) solutions using Cisco Unity Connections and Cisco Unity Express
Gain hands-on experience enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) across Cisco Unified Communications solutions
Acquire knowledge to prepare for the 300-810 CLICA exam
Implementing and Operating Cisco Collaboration Core Technologies (CLCOR) v1.1
This course helps you prepare for the Cisco® CCNP® Collaboration and CCIE® Collaboration certifications, and advanced-level roles focused on implementation and operation of Cisco collaboration solutions. You will gain the knowledge and skills needed to implement and deploy core collaboration and networking technologies, including infrastructure and design, protocols, codecs, and endpoints, Cisco Internetwork Operating System (IOS®) XE gateway and media resources, call control, Quality of Service (QoS), and additional Cisco collaboration applications.
Implementing Automation for Cisco Service Provider Solutions (SPAUI) v1.0
This course prepares you to implement and support automation solutions in a Service Provider network infrastructure, using network programmability principles, protocols, tools, and mechanisms. Through a combination of lessons and hands-on labs, you will learn to deploy, configure, monitor, and operate Service Provider network environments using modern data models. These models allow you to represent operational data and new network management protocols in order to administer hundreds or thousands of devices in a single operation, replacing traditional, time-consuming, error prone, device-by-device Command Line Interface (CLI) management. The course also introduces powerful automation solutions that can streamline network operations. This course covers Yet Another Next Generation (YANG) data models and validation tools, Representational State Transfer Configuration Protocol RESTCONF and Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) management protocols, model-driven telemetry with Google Remote Procedure Call (gRPC) and Google Network Management Interface (gNMI), traffic automation with XR Transport Control (XTC), Secure Shell (SSH)-based automation tools like NetMiko and Ansible, orchestration provided by Network Services Orchestration (NSO), Network Function Virtualization (NFV) lifecycle management with Elastic Services Controller (ESC), and network operations automation with WAN Automation Engine (WAE).This course prepares you for the 300-535 Automating and Programming Cisco® Service Provider Solutions (SPAUTO) exam
Implementing Cisco Service Provider VPN Services (SPVI)
This course prepares you to manage end-customer Virtual Private Network (VPN) environments built over a common service provider Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) backbone. You will complete hands-on labs to reinforce MPLS VPN fundamental concepts, benefits, and classification, MPLS components, MPLS control plane and data plane operations, MPLS VPN routing using Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF), Layer 2 and Layer 3 MPLS VPNs, IPv6 MPLS VPN implementations, IP Multicast VPNs, and shared services VPNs. The course also covers solutions for deploying MPLS VPN crossing multiple Service Provider domains that improve the use of network bandwidth.
Implementing Cisco Service Provider Advanced Routing Solutions (SPRI) v1.0
This course teaches you theories and practices to integrate advanced routing technologies including routing protocols, multicast routing, policy language, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), and segment routing, expanding your knowledge and skills in service provider core networks. This course prepares you for the 300-510 Implementing Cisco® Service Provider Advanced Routing Solutions (SPRI) exam.
Implementing and Operating Cisco Service Provider Network Core Technologies (SPCOR) v1.0
This course teaches you how to configure, verify, troubleshoot, and optimize next-generation, Service Provider IP network infrastructures. It provides a deep dive into Service Provider technologies including core architecture, services, networking, automation, quality of services, security, and network assurance.
Implementing Automation for Cisco Security Solutions (SAUI)
This course teaches you how to design advanced automated security solutions for your network. Through a combination of lessons and hands-on labs, you will master the use of modern programming concepts, RESTful Application Program Interfaces (APIs), data models, protocols, firewalls, web, Domain Name System (DNS), cloud, email security, and Cisco® Identity Services Engine (ISE) to strengthen cybersecurity for your web services, network, and devices. You will learn to work within the following platforms: Cisco Firepower® Management Center, Cisco Firepower Threat Defense, Cisco ISE, Cisco pxGrid, Cisco Stealthwatch® Enterprise, Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud, Cisco Umbrella®, Cisco Advanced Malware Protection (AMP), Cisco Threat grid, and Cisco Security Management Appliances. This course will teach you when to use the API for each Cisco security solution to drive network efficiency and reduce complexity.
Securing the Web with Cisco Web Security Appliance (SWSA) v3.0
This course shows you how to implement, use, and maintain Cisco® Web Security Appliance (WSA), powered by Cisco Talos, to provide advanced protection for business email and control against web security threats. Through a combination of expert instruction and hands-on practice, you’ll learn how to deploy proxy services, use authentication, implement policies to control HTTPS traffic and access, implement use control settings and policies, use the solution’s anti-malware features, implement data security and data loss prevention, perform administration of Cisco WSA solution, and more.
Securing Email with Cisco Email Security Appliance (SESA)
This course shows you how to deploy and use Cisco® Email Security Appliance to establish protection for your email systems against phishing, business email compromise, and ransomware, and to help streamline email security policy management. This hands-on course provides you with the knowledge and skills to implement, troubleshoot, and administer Cisco Email Security Appliance, including key capabilities such as advanced malware protection, spam blocking, anti-virus protection, outbreak filtering, encryption, quarantines, and data loss prevention.
Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine (SISE) v4.0
The Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine (SISE) v4.0 course teaches you to deploy and use Cisco® Identity Services Engine (ISE) v3.x, an identity and access control policy platform that simplifies the delivery of consistent, highly secure access control across wired, wireless, and VPN connections. This hands-on course provides you with the knowledge and skills to implement and apply Cisco ISE capabilities to support use cases for Zero Trust security posture. These use cases include tasks such as policy enforcement, profiling services, web authentication and guest access services, BYOD, endpoint compliance services, and Terminal Access Controller Access Control Server (TACACS+) device administration. Through hands-on practice via lab exercises, you will learn how to use Cisco ISE to gain visibility into what is happening in your network, streamline security policy management, and contribute to operational efficiency
Advanced Techniques for Cisco Firewall Threat Defense and Intrusion Prevention (SFWIPA)
The Advanced Techniques for Cisco Firewall Threat Defense and Intrusion Prevention training shows you how to deploy and configure Cisco Secure Firewall Threat Defense system and its features as a data center network firewall or as an Internet Edge firewall with Virtual Private Network (VPN) support. You will learn how to configure identity-based policies, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) decryption, remote-access VPN, and site-to-site VPN before moving on to advanced Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) configuration and event management, integrations with other systems, and advanced troubleshooting. You will also learn how to automate configuration and operations of Cisco Secure Firewall Threat Defense system using programmability and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and how to migrate configuration from Cisco Secure Firewall Adaptive Security Appliances (ASA).
Implementing Automation for Cisco Data Center Solutions (DCAUI) v1.0
This course teaches you how to implement Cisco® Data Center automated solutions including programming concepts, orchestration, and automation tools. Through a combination of lessons and hands-on practice, you will manage the tools and learn the benefits of programmability and automation in the Cisco-powered Data Center. You will examine Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (Cisco ACI®), Software-Defined Networking (SDN) for data center and cloud networks, Cisco Nexus® (Cisco NX-OS) platforms for device-centric automation, and Cisco Unified Computing System (Cisco UCS®) for Data Center compute. You will study their current ecosystem of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), software development toolkits, and relevant workflows along with open industry standards, tools, and APIs, such as Python, Ansible, Git, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), Yaml Ain't Markup Language (YAML), Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF), Representational State Transfer Configuration Protocol (RESTCONF), and Yet Another Generation (YANG). This course prepares you for the 300-635 Automating Cisco Data Center Solutions (DCAUTO) certification exam.
Configuring Cisco MDS 9000 Series Switches (DCMDS) v3.6
This course shows you how to implement, manage, and troubleshoot Cisco® MDS 9000 Series Switches, to build highly available, scalable storage networks. Through expert instruction and extensive hands-on practice, you will learn how to deploy and use capabilities such as Virtual Storage Area Networks (VSANs), Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), N-Port Virtualization (NPV) fabric security, zoning, automation with NX-API, Slow Drain Analysis, SAN analytics, Fibre Channel over TCP/IP (FCIP) tunnels, and more. You will learn how to configure and implement platform features and learn troubleshooting techniques pertaining to Fibre Channel (FC) domains, firmware upgrades, zones, and zone mergers. This course helps you prepare to take the exam, Implementing Cisco Storage Area Networking (300-625 DCSAN), which leads to CCNP Data Center and the Certified Specialist - Data Center SAN Implementation certifications.
Implementing Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (DCACI) v1.0
The Implementing Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (DCACI) v1.0 course show you how to deploy and manage the Cisco® Nexus® 9000 Series Switches in Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (Cisco ACI®) mode. The course gives you the knowledge and skills to configure and manage Cisco Nexus 9000 Series Switches in ACI mode, how to connect the Cisco ACI fabric to external networks and services, and fundamentals of Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) integration. You will gain hands-on practice implementing key capabilities such as fabric discovery, policies, connectivity, VMM integration, and more. This course helps you prepare to take the exam, Implementing Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (300-620 DCACI), which leads to CCNP® Data Center and Cisco Certified Specialist – Data Center ACI Implementation certifications.
Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Infrastructure (DCIT) v7.0
The Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Infrastructure (DCIT) v7.0 course shows you how to troubleshoot LAN, SAN, Cisco® Data Center Unified Fabric, Cisco Unified Computing System™ (Cisco UCS®), and Cisco Application-Centric Infrastructure (Cisco ACI®). You will learn methodologies and tools to identify issues that may occur in data center network architecture. You will get extensive hands-on practice troubleshooting installation, configuration and interconnectivity issues on Cisco Multilayer Director Switch (MDS) switches, Cisco Nexus® switches, Cisco Fabric Extenders (FEXs), Cisco UCS, Cisco ACI, and more. This course helps prepare you to take the exam, Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Infrastructure (300-615 DCIT), which leads to CCNP® Data Center and the Cisco Certified Specialist - Data Center Operations certifications.
Implementing and Operating Cisco Data Center Core Technologies (DCCOR)
The Implementing and Operating Cisco Data Center Core Technologies (DCCOR) v1.0 course helps you prepare for the Cisco® CCNP® Data Center and CCIE® Data Center certifications and for advanced-level data center roles. In this course, you will master the skills and technologies you need to implement data center compute, LAN and SAN infrastructure. You will also learn the essentials of automation and security in data centers. You will get hands-on experience with deploying, securing, operating, and maintaining Cisco data center infrastructure including: Cisco MDS Switches and Cisco Nexus Switches; Cisco Unified Computing System™ (Cisco UCS®) B-Series Blade Servers, and Cisco UCS C-Series Rack Servers.
Implementing Automation for Cisco Enterprise Solutions (ENAUI) v1.2
This course teaches you how to integrate programmability and automation in the Cisco®-powered Enterprise Campus and Wide Area Network (WAN) using programming concepts, orchestration, telemetry, and automation tools to create more efficient workflows and more agile networks. Through a combination of lessons and hands-on labs, you will gain knowledge and skills for using Cisco Internetworking Operating System (Cisco IOS®-XE) for device-centric automation, Cisco Digital Network Architecture (Cisco DNA™) Center for the intent-based enterprise network, Cisco Software-Defined (SD) WAN, and Cisco Meraki™. You will study software development toolkits, industry-standard workflows, tools, and Application Programming Interface (APIs), such as Python, Ansible, Git, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML), Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF), Representational State Configuration Protocol (RESTCONF), and Yet Another Generation (YANG).
CCNP Enterprise
This certification program prepares you for today’s professional-level job roles in enterprise networking technologies. CCNP Enterprise now includes automation and programmability to help you scale your networking infrastructure. One of the industry’s most respected certifications, CCNP validates the core knowledge you need while giving you the flexibility to choose a focus area. And now every exam in the CCNP Enterprise program earns an individual Specialist certification, so you get recognized for your accomplishments along the way.
Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (ENWLSI) v1.0
The Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (ENWLSI) v1.0 course gives you the knowledge and skills needed to secure wireless network infrastructure and troubleshoot any related issues. You’ll learn how to implement and secure a wireless network infrastructure and use Cisco Identity Service Engine (ISE), Cisco Prime Infrastructure (PI), and Cisco Connect Mobile Experience to monitor and troubleshoot network issues. The course provides hands-on labs to reinforce concepts including deploying Cisco Prime Infrastructure Release 3.5, Cisco Catalyst® 9800 Wireless Controller Release, Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10, Cisco Digital Network Architecture (Cisco DNA™) Center Release 1.2.8, Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (CMX) Release 10.5, Cisco Mobility Services Engine (MSE) Release 8.0 features, and Cisco ISE Release 2.4. This course also helps you prepare to take the Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (300-430 ENWLSI) exam, which is part of the new CCNP® Enterprise certification and the Cisco Certified Specialist - Enterprise Wireless Implementation certification.
Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (ENWLSD) v1.0
This course gives you the knowledge you need to design Cisco® wireless networks. The course covers design specifics from scenario design concepts through the installation phase and into post-deployment validation. This course, including the self-paced material, helps prepare you to take the exam, Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (300-425 ENWLSD), which leads to the new CCNP® Enterprise and Cisco Certified Specialist – Enterprise Wireless Design certifications.
Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks (ENSLD) v1.0
The Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks (ENSLD) v1.0 course gives you the knowledge and skills you need to design an enterprise network. This course serves as a deep dive into enterprise network design and expands on the topics covered in the Implementing and Operating Cisco® Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) v1.0 course. This course also helps you prepare to take the exam, Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks v1.0 (ENSLD 300-420), which is part of the CCNP® Enterprise and Cisco Certified Specialist - Enterprise Design certifications.
Implementing Cisco SD-WAN Solutions (ENSDWI) v2.0
This course gives you deep-dive training about how to design, deploy, configure, and manage your Cisco® Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN) solution in a large-scale live network, including how to migrate from legacy WAN to SD-WAN. You will learn best practices for configuring routing protocols in the data center and the branch, as well as how to implement advanced control, data, and application-aware policies. The course also covers SD-WAN deployment and migration options, placement of controllers, how to deploy and replace edge devices, and how to configure Direct Internet Access (DIA) breakout.It will also help you prepare to take the Implementing Cisco SD-WAN Solutions (300-415 ENSDWI) exam, which is part of the new CCNP Enterprise certification and the Cisco Certified Specialist - Enterprise SD-WAN Implementation certification.
Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services (ENARSI) v1.0
This course gives you the knowledge you need to install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot an enterprise network. This course covers advanced routing and infrastructure technologies, expanding on the topics covered in the Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) v1.0 course. It helps prepare you to take the exam, Implementing Cisco® Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services (300-410 ENARSI), which leads to the new CCNP® Enterprise and Cisco Certified Specialist – Enterprise Advanced Infrastructure Implementation certifications.
Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) v1.0
This course gives you the knowledge and skills needed to configure, troubleshoot, and manage enterprise wired and wireless networks. You’ll also learn to implement security principles within an enterprise network and how to overlay network design by using solutions such as SD-Access and SD-WAN. This course helps you prepare to take the 350-401 Implementing Cisco® Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) exam, which is part of four new certifications:
Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
The new CCNA course builds on your existing user-level knowledge and experience with computing and networking to provide you with the knowledge and skills expected of an entry-level network administrator. CCNA now one certification that validates a broad range of fundamentals for all IT careers, with one exam and one training course to help you prepare. The CCNA exam covers a breadth of topics including network fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, IP services, security fundamentals, and automation and programmability. Newly retooled for the latest technologies and job roles, the CCNA training course and exam give you the foundation you need to take your career in any direction. Migration to the new program. If you are pursuing a Cisco technical certification path, the CCNA 200.301 exam is your first step into the world of Cisco certification and the training can be offered through instructor led classroom and online virtual training.
Cisco Certified Network Associate Fast Track
Our accelerated CCNA Boot Camp Training is an intensive program, designed to help you achieve your CCNA certification in a reduced period of time. To maximize your classroom experience and ensure that you get comprehensive coverage of the CCNA materials, our three-step, blended learning approach to the CCNA Boot Camp consists of Pre-Class Activity, Classroom Instruction, and Post-Class Lab Practice. The Pre-Class Activity provides you with approximately ten hours of review materials and exercises, including a pre-test assessment, all of which is designed to give you a firm foundation and get you focused before you enter the classroom. Classroom Instruction includes intensive instructor-led training and hands-on labs, students will learn how to install, operate, configure, and verify a basic IPv4 and IPv6 network, including configuring a LAN switch, configuring an IP router, identifying basic security threats, understanding redundant topologies, troubleshooting common network issues, connecting to a WAN, configuring EIGRP and OSPF in both IPv4 and IPv6, understanding wide-area network technologies, and getting familiar with device management and Cisco licensing. You will have 24-hour lab access during the course. Following the course you will be provided with ten e-Lab credits, which can be used for additional Lab Practice allowing you to hone your skills using the same hands-on lab equipment you used in the classroom.
Implementing Cisco Cybersecurity Operations (SECOPS)
The Implementing Cisco Cybersecurity Operations (SECOPS) v1.0 course gives you foundation-level knowledge of security incident analysis techniques used in a Security Operations Center (SOC). You will learn how to identify and analyze threats and malicious activity, correlate events, conduct security investigations, use incident playbooks, and learn SOC operations and procedures. This is the second of two courses that prepare you for the Cisco® CCNA® Cyber Ops certification. This certification validates your knowledge and hands-on skills to help handle cybersecurity events as an associate-level member of an SOC team. Prerequisites
Skills and knowledge equivalent to those learned in Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 (ICND1)
Skills and knowledge equivalent to those learned in Security Certification Fundamentals (SECFND)
Working knowledge of the Windows operating system
Working knowledge of Cisco IOS networking and concepts
Understanding Cisco Cybersecurity Fundamentals
The Understanding Cisco Cybersecurity Fundamentals (SECFND) course gives you foundation-level knowledge of common security concepts, basic security techniques, and the fundamentals of applications, operating systems, and networking used in a Security Operations Center (SOC). This course helps you learn to find threats within a real-life network infrastructure using a variety of popular security tools. Through expert instruction and hands-on experience using enterprise-grade security tools, you will learn the basics of network and security concepts, endpoint attacks, cryptography, analysis, and monitoring. This course provides introductory knowledge for those interested in entering the field of cybersecurity and is the first of two courses that prepare you for the Cisco CCNA® Cyber Ops certification. Prerequisites We recommend that you have knowledge of one or more of the following before attending this course:
Familiarity with basic networking concepts
Working knowledge of the Windows operating system
Familiarity with the Linux operating system
Implementing Core Cisco ASA Security
This five-day course aims to provide network security engineers with the knowledge and skills needed to implement and maintain Cisco ASA adaptive security appliance-based perimeter solutions. Delegates will be able to reduce risk to the IT infrastructure and applications using Cisco ASA adaptive security appliance features, and provide detailed operations support for the Cisco ASA adaptive security appliance. This course is focused on the features of 9.x
Implementing Advanced Cisco ASA Security
This course provides up-to-date training on the key features of the Cisco ASA 5500-X Series Next-Generation Firewall, including ASAv, ASA IDFW, ASA FirePOWER Service Module, ASA Cloud Web Security and ASA Clustering. Extensive hands on labs are provided to underline the concepts covered in the class. The ASA FirePower Services Module coverage is still based on the FirePOWER 5.3.1 software version
Understanding Cisco Cloud Fundamentals
Understanding Cisco Cloud Fundamentals is a five-day instructor-led training course that is designed for Cloud Operations Engineers, Cloud Technical Administrators, Cloud Infrastructure Architects and Cisco Integrators and Partners who provide operation and support of Cisco Cloud Products and Solutions. This course provides students with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) to perform foundational tasks related to Cloud computing and to help students prepare for the CCNA Cloud certification, an associate level certification specialising in Cloud technologies. Prerequisites
Understanding of network fundamentals, including routing, switching, and VLANs
Understanding of compute fundamentals, including servers and operating systems
Understanding of storage fundamentals, including the basics of Fibre Channel, Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), and VSANs
Cisco Big Data Analytics, Architecture and Management
This course will enable students to choose and design scalable, reliable, and intelligent data center solutions using Cisco UCS Integrated Infrastructure for Big Data and Analytics (formerly known as CPA for Big Data v4). The course will explain how the reference architectures are carefully designed, optimized, and tested with the leading big data software distributions to achieve a balance of performance and capacity to address specific application requirements. The course will cover big data fundamentals and architecture. Lessons will explore Hadoop, streaming analytics, performance tuning and UCS Director Express for big Data. The student will leave with an introductory understanding the benefits of Cisco UCS Integrated Infrastructure for Big Data and Analytics.
Implementing Cisco Secure Access Solutions
This course has been designed to provide engineers with the foundational knowledge and skills required to implement and manage network access security through the deployment of the Cisco Identity Services Engine and 802.1x Solution. Students will gain hands-on experience with configuring advanced Cisco security solutions to enable secure device connection to the network and for mitigating outside threats. At the end of the course, students will be able to reduce the risk to their IT infrastructures and applications using Cisco’s ISE appliance features and provide operational support to identity and network access control.
Implementing Cisco Identity Services Engine for Wireless Engineers
This course has been designed to enable wireless engineers understand the concepts, architecture, and use cases of the Cisco Identity Services Engine Solution.This course provides students with the knowledge and skills required to implement a basic Cisco ISE solution. The focus is on ensuring that students can implement the core features required in most Identity Services Engine Solution deployments. Students should already be familiar with basic Cisco Wireless LAN Controller and Access Point configuration. This course is on ISE 1.2
Implementing Cisco Edge Network Security Solutions
This course has been designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to implement and manage security on Cisco ASA firewalls, Cisco Routers with the firewall feature set and Cisco Switches. Students will gain hands-on experience with configuring various perimeter security solutions to mitigate outside threats and secure network zones. At the end of the course, students should be able to reduce the risk to their IT infrastructures and applications and provide detailed operations support for Cisco Switches, Cisco ASA, and Router security appliance features.
Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine ( SISE ) V2.4
The Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine course shows you how to deploy and use Cisco Identity Services Engine (SISE) v2.4, an identity and access control policy platform that simplifies the delivery of consistent, highly secure access control across wired, wireless and VPN connections. This hands-on course provides you with the knowledge and skills required to implement and use Cisco SISE, including policy enforcement, profiling services, web authentication and guest access services, BYOD, endpoint compliance services, and TACACS+ device administration. Through expert instruction and hands-on practice, you will learn how to use Cisco SISE to gain visibility into what is happening in your network, streamline security policy management and contribute to operational efficiency. Delegates will be expected to work in groups and share lab equipment, If you are attending virtually you may also be required to work in virtual breakout rooms. Extended hours may also be required to cover all of the content included in this class.
Securing Cisco Wireless Enterprise Networks 1.0
This course provides guidelines for implementing Wi-Fi security architectures through proper configuration of Cisco wireless components. Hands-on labs are used to reinforce concepts. Topics covered include deployment and key features of Cisco AireOS 8.0, Cisco Prime Infrastructure Release 2.2, and Cisco Identity Services Engine Release 1.3.
Understanding Cisco Wireless Foundations (WLFNDU)
The Understanding Cisco Wireless Foundations (WLFNDU) v1.0 course gives you the knowledge and skills you need to position, plan, implement, operate, and manage a Cisco Wireless LAN network. This course teaches you how to design, install, configure, monitor, and conduct basic troubleshooting tasks on a Cisco WLAN network of any size. This course will help you to learn the skills, technologies and best practices needed to manage a Cisco WLAN network, to understand and implement a Cisco wireless network architecture, and to design and implement WLAN maintenance and troubleshooting solutions.
Managing Industrial Networks for Manufacturing with Cisco Technologies
This lab intensive course developed in conjunction with Rockwell Automation, has been designed to provide plant administrators, control system engineers and traditional network engineers in the manufacturing, process control and oil and gas industries, with the skills required to successfully implement and troubleshoot the most common industry standard protocols. Best practices in Security and Wireless are also reviewed from an industrial networks perspective. This course is job-role specific and enables you to achieve competency and skills to configure, maintain, and troubleshoot industry standard network protocols as well as wireless and security technologies to ensure that current infrastructures are maximized while developing a converged platform for flexibility to support future business outcomes. Students will be exposed to multiple industrial network technologies as well as products from Cisco and other industrial suppliers including Rockwell Automation.
Designing Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric v3
This 5 day course focuses on the knowledge and skills required to design a data center network architecture using Cisco's high-end switching portfolio, architectural components of Cisco Nexus and Cisco Catalyst switching lines, Cisco IOS and NX-OS software architecture, either as an Ethernet-only data center, or as a data center using unified fabric.Features of these data center class platforms ranging from continuous operation, resiliency, and virtualization to power efficiency and management are also reviewed.There are a number of service modules and line cards available for the Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches and Cisco ASA 5500 Adaptive Security Appliances and whilst it is not possible to cover all of these in depth, the Cisco Application Networking Services (ANS) portfolio, including ACE module and ACE appliance are covered.
Implementing Cisco Data Center Virtualisation and Automation
Implementing Cisco Data Center Virtualization and Automation is a five-day skills building course focused on the implementation and deployment automation of Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) and Cisco Nexus switches. The course provides rich, hands-on experience in building a data center solution based on Cisco ACI. Learners are introduced to the automation capabilities offered by Python and RESTful APIs in combination with Cisco ACI and Cisco Nexus switches. The course is designed to help students prepare for Cisco CCNP Data Center certification and for professional-level data center roles.
DevOps Tools on ACI
In this course, you will learn how to use DevOps tools for a common datacenter integration scenario. You will practice using the most popular tools on a Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) for classical data center integration. While configuring the ACI fabric, you will have the opportunity to use and compare DevOps tools. Hands-on labs will teach you how to use Puppet, Postman, and Python to create, modify, and upload scripts. You will use GitHub to download existing scripts and back up scripts that you create in order to help you quickly perform configuration tasks. You will also learn to use Visore and API inspector to troubleshoot. By the end of this course, you should be able to prepare a switch fabric for your data center integration.
Implementing and Configuring the Cisco Nexus 5000 and 6000 Switches
This course is delivered in partnership between Global Knowledge and Firefly Education. This partnership has enabled the Cisco market to conduct training on the latest technology addressing business relevant issues and is constantly invested in, to keep the materials up to date of any changes that happen. In this 3-day course, you will learn how to implement access layer infrastructures, using next-generation Cisco Nexus 5000 and 6000 Series Switches and Nexus 2000 Fabric Extenders and their use cases. This course provides a technical overview with focus on the Nexus 5000 and 6000 platform features, design guidelines, deployment, and operations, including Fibre Channel over Ethernet, Layer 2, Layer3, QoS, management, and security. You will explore the features of NX-OS up to release 6.0(2N2.1) of the Nexus platform by performing hands-on labs using real Nexus 5500 and Nexus 2000 labs. Labs include basic FCoE configuration, NPV mode deployment, FEX and Virtual PortChannel configuration, security features, and monitoring, configuring Cisco Adapter-FEX and FabricPath.
Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing (DCUCI) v 6
This extensively hands-on course focuses on deploying, securing, operating and maintaining the Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) and UCS C-Series Rack Servers for use in data centers. It covers configuring and managing Cisco UCS servers using unified I/O networking for LAN and SAN connectivity, virtualizing server hardware identifiers to enable rapid recovery of server operating system images, automating UCS deployments using UCS Central Software and Cisco Integrated Management Controller (IMC) Supervisor, configuring fault tolerance, implementing rolebased access control (RBAC), backing up and restoring system configurations, using the monitoring and troubleshooting tools in Cisco UCS Manager and Cisco IMC.The course is designed to help students prepare for Cisco's CCNP Data Center certification and for professional-level data center roles.
Implementing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure
This skills-building course focuses on the implementation of LAN and SAN switching technologies, device management and monitoring using Cisco MDS switches, Cisco Nexus switches and Cisco Nexus 2000 Series Fabric Extenders (FEXs). This rich, hands-on experience of implementing a Cisco data center infrastructure helps students prepare for professional level data center roles and the achievement of the Cisco CCNP Data Center Certification.
Designing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure
Focused on the designing of data centers with Cisco components and technologies. This course covers network designs with virtualization, Layer 2 and Layer 3 technologies, routing protocols and data center interconnect design options. Also covered are device virtualization technologies such as virtual data centers and network function virtualization with virtual appliances including virtual switches, routers and firewalls. Storage and SAN design is covered, with an explanation of Fibre Channel networks and Cisco Unified Fabric. Design practices for the Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) solution based on Cisco UCS B-Series and C-Series servers and Cisco UCS Manager are covered. Network management technologies include UCS Manager, Cisco Prime Data Center Network Manager, and Cisco UCS Director. The course includes theoretical content, as well as designoriented case studies that are in the form of activities.The course is designed to help students prepare for Cisco CCNP Data Center certification and for professional-level data center roles.
Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Infrastructure
Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Infrastructure is a skills-building course focused on the troubleshooting of LAN, SAN, Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric, Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS), and Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI). The course provides rich, hands-on experience in resolving problems on Cisco MDS switches, Cisco Nexus switches, Cisco fabric extenders (FEXs), Cisco UCS and Cisco ACI. The course is designed to help students prepare for Cisco CCNP Data Center certification and for professional-level data center roles.
Implementing Cisco Network Security (IINS)
Cisco Certified Network Associate Security (CCNA Security) validates associate-level knowledge and skills required to secure Cisco networks. With a CCNA Security certification, a network professional demonstrates the skills required to develop a security infrastructure, recognize threats and vulnerabilities to networks, and mitigate security threats. The CCNA Security curriculum emphasizes core security technologies, the installation, troubleshooting and monitoring of network devices to maintain integrity, confidentiality and availability of data and devices, and competency in the technologies that Cisco uses in its security structure.The course focuses on security principles and technologies, using Cisco security products to provide hands-on examples. Using instructor-led discussions, extensive hands-on lab exercises, and supplemental materials, this course allows learners to understand common security concepts, and deploy basic security techniques utilizing a variety of popular security appliances within a "real-life" network infrastructure.
Implementing Cisco IP Routing v2.0
This 5 day course is designed to provide professionals working with medium to large networks with the skills and knowledge required to incorporate advanced routing concepts when implementing scalability for Cisco routers that are connected to LANs and WANs. Delegates will be able to dramatically increase the number of routers and sites using these techniques instead of redesigning the network when additional sites or wiring configurations are added.Labs are an important feature of this course with 2 different types of labs being used to aid learning, discovery labs are instructor guided labs through which students explore new topics in an interactive way, the challenge Labs are designed to test students understanding of the topics being taught and to provide vital hands-on practice
Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices, Part 2
Our accelerated CCNA Boot Camp is an intensive program, designed to help you achieve your CCNA certification in a reduced period of time. To maximize your classroom experience and ensure that you get a comprehensive coverage of the CCNA materials, our three-step, blended learning approach to the CCNA Boot Camp consists of: Pre-Class Activity, Classroom Instruction and Post-Class Lab Practice. The Pre-Class Activity provides you with approximately ten hours of review materials and exercises, including a a pre-test assessment, all of which is designed to give you a firm foundation and get you focused before you enter the classroom. Classroom Instruction includes intensive instructor-led training and hands-on labs, students will learn how to install, operate, configure, and verify a basic IPv4 and IPv6 network, including configuring a LAN switch, configuring an IP router, identifying basic security threats, understanding redundant topologies, troubleshooting common network issues, connecting to a WAN,configuring EIGRP and OSPF in both IPv4 and IPv6, understanding wide-area network technologies, and getting familiar with device management and Cisco licensing. You will have 24-hour lab access during the course. Following the course you will be provided with ten e-Lab credits, which can be used for additional Lab Practice allowing you to hone your skills using the same hands-on lab equipment you used in the classroom.
Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices, Part 1
Our accelerated CCNA Boot Camp is an intensive program, designed to help you achieve your CCNA certification in a reduced period of time. To maximize your classroom experience and ensure that you get a comprehensive coverage of the CCNA materials, our three-step, blended learning approach to the CCNA Boot Camp consists of: Pre-Class Activity, Classroom Instruction and Post-Class Lab Practice. The Pre-Class Activity provides you with approximately ten hours of review materials and exercises, including a a pre-test assessment, all of which is designed to give you a firm foundation and get you focused before you enter the classroom.